June 8 – 10, 2022

SALT(ED) Workshop

(Prestige) English as an Object and Meta-Language

As a simultaneous event to SALT32, the SALT Equity and Diversity Committee (SALTED), and the SALT32 organizing committee will be holding a workshop on (Prestige) English as an Object and Meta-Language. (Prestige) English has traditionally served both as the object of study and medium of study for formal semantics worldwide. This workshop aims to discuss what issues may arise from this virtual hegemony and explore some alternative approaches. Led by a panel of experts, we will discuss questions such as the following: What impact has the focus on English had on scholars outside of the Anglophone world? What can be done to increase the representation of non-English languages and non-prestige dialects in semantic research, pedagogy, and scholarly publication?

Workshop panelists