June 8 – 10, 2022

Quick links: Wednesday Thursday Friday. All times are Mexico City's time (Central Standard Time, GMT-6). You can also download a PDF version of the program and a booklet with some of the posters to be presented.

Wednesday June 8, El Colegio de México

8:30-9:00 Registration and coffee Lobby
Opening remarks
Chair: Samuel Herrera
9:00-9:20 Alfonso Medina, Chair of the Center for Literature and Linguistics, El Colegio de México
Ana Bella Pérez Castro, Chair of the Anthropological Studies Institute, UNAM
Carmen Curcó, Chair of the Linguistics Postgraduate Program, UNAM
Julia Pozas Loyo, El Colegio de México. On behalf of SALT32 OC
Session 1
Chair: Carol Rose Little
9:20-10:00 Omar Agha and Paloma Jeretic: "Weak necessity modals as homogeneous definite plurals." Auditorium
10:00-10:40 Kristina Liefke: "Parasitic Attitudes, Factivity Variation, and ' imagine whether'." Auditorium
10:40-11:00 Coffee break Garden
Poster session 1
Chair: Jessica Rett
11:00-11:45 Poster 1-6 Short Talks Auditorium
11:45-12:15 Poster 1-6 Discussion Auditorium
Poster session 2
Chair: Gillian Ramchand
12:15-13:00 Poster 7-12 Short Talks Auditorium
13:00-13:30 Poster 7-12 Discussion Auditorium
13:30-14:30 Lunch Garden
Session 2
Chair: Robert Henderson
14:30-15:10 Nathaniel Imel and Shane Steinert-Threlkeld: "Modals in natural language optimize the simplicity/informativeness trade-off." Auditorium
15:10-15:50 Serge Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova, Gustavo Guajardo, Myrte Vos and Gillian Ramchand: "Temporal Information and Event Bounding Across Languages: Evidence from Visual World Eye Tracking."(Slides). Auditorium
15:50-16:10 Coffee break Garden
Invited Talk
Chair: Aarón Sánchez
16:10-17:00 Jesse Harris (UCLA): “Commitments de lingua and the interpretation of transparent free relatives” Auditorium
17:00-17:10 Short break Lobby
Session 3
Chair: Rodrigo Romero
17:10-17:50 Morwenna Hoeks, Deniz Özyıldız, Jonathan Pesetsky and Tom Roberts: "Event plurality and quantifier scope across clause boundaries." Auditorium
17:50-18:30 Maria Aloni and Marco Degano: "(Non-)specificity across languages: constancy, variation, v-variation." Auditorium

Thursday June 9, El Colegio de México

8:30-9:00 Registration and coffee Lobby
Session 4
Chair: Andrea Beltrama
9:00-9:40 Antonio Maria Cleani and Luis Miguel Toquero-Pérez: "Debunking Multiform Dimensionality: many, tant-PL, & morpho-syntactic opacity." Auditorium
9:40-10:20 Henriette De Swart, Bert Le Bruyn, Martijn van der Klis, Jos Tellings and Martín Fuchs: "Perfect variations in dialogue: a parallel corpus approach." Auditorium
10:20-11:00 Tommy Tsz-Ming Lee, Roumyana Pancheva and Maria Luisa Zubizarreta: "Genuinely tenseless: encoding time in Cantonese." Auditorium
11:00-11:20 Coffee break Garden
Invited Talk 2
Chair: Karla Sandoval
11:20-12:10 Martina Wiltschko (ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra): "Where is semantics?" Auditorium
12:10-12:20 Short break Lobby
SALTED Workshop
"(Prestige) English as an Object and Meta-Language.”
Chair: Violeta Vázquez Rojas
12:20-13:20 Speakers:
Enoch Aboh (University of Amsterdam)
Donka Farkas (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Carol Rose Little (University of Oklahoma)
Andrés Saab (IIF-SADAF-CONICET – Universidad de Buenos Aires)
13:20-14:20 Lunch Garden
Poster session 3
Chair: Elin McCready
14:20-15:05 Posters 13-18 Short Talks Auditorium
15:05-15:35 Posters 13-18 Discussion Auditorium
Poster session 4
Chair: Maria Luisa Zubizarreta
15:35-16:20 Posters 19-24 Short Talks Auditorium
16:20-16:50 Posters 19-24 Discussion Auditorium
16:50-17:10 Coffee break Garden
Session 5
Chair: Alexis Wellwood
17:10-17:50 Paul Marty, Jacopo Romoli, Yasutada Sudo and Richard Breheny: “Implicating in semi-cooperative contexts.” Auditorium
17:50-18:30 Andrea Beltrama and Florian Schwarz: "Social identity, precision and charity: when less precise speakers are held to stricter standards." Auditorium

Friday June 10, El Colegio de México

8:30-9:00 Registration and coffee Lobby
Session 6
Chair: Jacopo Romoli
9:00-9:40 Elsi Kaiser: "Referential effects on verb agreement: Finnish numeral-noun constructions." Auditorium
9:40-10:20 Nina Haslinger: "Non-maximality and vagueness: Revisiting the plural Sorites paradox." Auditorium
10:20-11:00 Muyi Yang: "Singularity and plurality of discourse reference to worlds." Auditorium
11:00-11:20 Coffee break Garden
Poster session 5
Chair: Scott Anderbois
11:20-12:05 Posters 25-30 Short Talks Auditorium
12:05-12:35 Posters 25-30 Discussion Auditorium
Invited Talk 3
Chair: Rafael Herrera
12:35-13:25 Carol Rose Little (University of Oklahoma): “(De)composing strong quantifiers.” Auditorium
13:25-14:25 Lunch Garden
Poster session 6
Chair: Maria Aloni
14:25-15:10 Posters 31-36 Short Talks Auditorium
15:10-15:40 Posters 31-36 Discussion Auditorium
15:40-16:00 Coffee break Garden
Session 7
Chair: Stavroula Alexandropoulou
16:00-16:40 Scott Anderbois and Daniel Altshuler: "Coordination, coherence and A'ingae clause linkage" Auditorium
16:40-16:50 Short break Lobby
Invited Talk 4
Chair: Renato García
16:50-17:40 Andrés Saab (IIF-SADAF-CONICET – Universidad de Buenos Aires): "Introducing expressives through equations. Implications for the theory of nominal predication in Romance" Auditorium
Concluding remarks and closure
Chair: Julia Pozas
17:40-18:00 Ana Aguilar Guevara, FFyL, UNAM, On behalf of SALT32 OC Auditorium
19:00-22:00 Conference dinner TBA

Poster Session 1

Wednesday June 8
Short Talks: 11:00-11:45
Discussion: 11:45-12:15

Poster 1 Zhuang Chen and Yael Greenberg: "A novel argument for an even-like semantics of Mandarin dōu."
Poster 2 Naomi Francis, Patrick Georg Grosz and Pritty Patel-Grosz: "The throwing away gesture: discourse management in the visual-gestural modality."
Poster 3 Torgrim Solstad and Oliver Bott: "Cataphoric presuppositions: The case of occasion verbs."
Poster 4 Keng Ji Chow and Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine: "Restrictions on the position of exh."
Poster 5 Peter Sutton: "Restrictions on copredication: a situation theoretic approach."
Poster 6 Carlo Geraci, Marloes Oomen and Mirko Santoro: "As strong as an NPI in LIS, LSF & NGT."

Poster Session 2

Wednesday June 8
Short Talks: 12:15-13:00
Discussion: 13:00-13:30

Poster 7 Lauren Nikolai and Ezra Keshet: "The Chin as a Domain Widener in American Sign Language (ASL)."
Poster 8 Nicolás Francisco Lo Guercio and Eleonora Eva Orlando: "Expressives and argument extension."
Poster 9 Stavroula Alexandropoulou, Marisha Herb, Henrik Discher and Nicole Gotzner: "Incremental pragmatic interpretation of gradable adjectives: The role of standards of comparison." (talk alternate)
Poster 10 Joshua Phillips: "Cyclic tense: discontinuous temporal reference in Djambarrpuyŋu."
Poster 11 Jyoti Iyer: "Back to restitutive readings again."
Poster 12 Itai Bassi, Aron Hirsch and Tue Trinh: "Pre-DP "only" is a propositional operator at LF: a new argument from scope."

Poster Session 3

Thursday June 9
Short Talks: 14:20-15:05
Discussion: 15:05-15:35

Poster 13 Salvatore Pistoia-Reda and Louise McNally: "Rhetorically-based scalar-additivity: The view from Italian "addirittura"."
Poster 14 Sophia Nauta, Hanna de Vries and Jenny Doetjes: "The mountains are impure: the formal semantics of lexical plurality."
Poster 15 Linmin Zhang: "The presupposition of even."
Poster 16 Luis Alonso-Ovalle and Esmail Moghiseh: "Universal Force from Exhaustification: Farsi Hame NP-i DPs."
Poster 17 Adam Gobeski and Marcin Morzycki: "Ranges."
Poster 18 Emily Clem: "Attitude reports without complementation: The case of Amahuaca."

Poster Session 4

Thursday June 9
Short Talks: 15:35-16:20
Discussion: 16:20-16:50

Poster 19 Swantje Tönnis and Judith Tonhauser: "German clefts address unexpected questions."
Poster 20 Christopher Baron: "Almost" and "barely" modify (lots) of quantifiers."
Poster 21 Alexis Wellwood: "Framing events in the logic of verbal modification."
Poster 23 Paloma Jeretic: "Neg-raising with think as a scaleless implicature."
Poster 24 Masashi Harada: "Locality in the Derivation of Cumulativity."

Poster Session 5

Friday June 10
Short Talks: 11:20-12:05
Discussion: 12:05-12:35

Poster 25 Zarina Levy-Forsythe and Olga Kagan: "Classifiers and the Mass-Count Distinction in Uzbek."
Poster 26 Lucas Champollion and Timothée Bernard: "Negation, modality, events, and truthmaker semantics." (talk alternate)
Poster 27 Teruyuki Mizuno and Stefan Kaufmann: "Past-as-Past in counterfactual desire reports: a view from Japanese."
Poster 28 Bernhard Schwarz and Alan Bale: "Measurements from per without complex dimensions"
Poster 29 Luka Crnic: "Subtraction and Exhaustivity in Exclusives" (talk alternate)
Poster 30 Adam Przepiórkowski: "A Compositional Intersective Account of Heterofunctional Coordination."

Poster Session 6

Friday June 10
Short Talks: 14:25-15:10
Discussion: 15:10-15:40

Poster 31 Charlotte Sant and Gillian Ramchand: "Occasional-type frequency adjectives and quantification over stages."
Poster 32 Elizabeth Coppock: "Quantity division vs. distributive quantification: Is 'per' just like 'each'?"
Poster 33 Robert Henderson and Elin Mccready: "Dogwhistles, Unmasking, and Polarization."
Poster 34 Jessica Rett and William Starr: "Decomposing 'as if'."
Poster 35 Brian Buccola: "Higher-order plurality as a solution to Xiang's (2021) puzzle."
Poster 36 Huilei Wang: "Dou and scope effects in Mandarin relative clauses."