June 8 – 10, 2022

Registration for SALT32 is now closed.

SALT32 will be transmitted on the YouTube channel of El Colegio de México.

SALTED Access and Inclusivity Fund

SALTED has established an Access and Inclusivity Fund. The fund will be used to underwrite sign language translation and other accessibility-related costs at SALT conferences that need it. If you feel like you have the means, the SALTED committee would appreciate a contribution from you. Typically hosts add $10-20 to the registration fee to cover accessibility costs, like ASL translation.
We are proud to be the first SALT hosts pivoting to the new SALTED model, in which these fees are collected voluntarily via the SALTED PayPal (at to be dispersed to cover accessibility costs but also the new SALTED Scholarships for under-resourced semanticists. See more here. You can make your donation here:

Note that this contribution is independent of the conference fee and will be administered by the SALTED committee.