Harvard University
May 20 – 22, 2025

The 35th meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 35) will be hosted by the Linguistics Department at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA on May 20 – 22, 2025. Presentations at SALT35 will take place in person. In participating, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.

For questions or comments, please contact salt35.harvard@gmail.com.

For more general information on the goals and history of the conference, visit the permanent website for the SALT conference.

Invited speakers


[March 5] Registration is now open. The registration link and rates can be found here.
[Feb 20] Decision Notifications have been sent. Out of 222 submissions 7.6% of abstracts were accepted as talks and 12.6% were accepted as posters
[Dec 16] The submission deadline has now been extended to Friday, 20 December 23:59 (UTC-12).
[Nov 8] Submissions are now open at the conference's OpenReview site.

Important dates

[Nov 8] "Abstract submissions open"
[Dec 18] "Abstract deadline"
[Dec 20] "[EXTENDED] Abstract deadline- December 20 23:59 (UTC-12) "
[Jan 6] "Abstracts sent out to reviewers"
[Feb 1] "Abstract reviews due"
[Feb 20] "Decision notification"
[March 5] Registration opens
[April 20] Early Bird registration closes
[May 18] Late registration closes

Organizing Committee

Gennaro Chierchia, Kathryn Davidson, Tanya Bondarenko, Vincent Rouillard, Ankana Saha, Natasha Thalluri, Nayantara Das, Yiqian Wang


SALT35 is supported by the Mind, Brain and Behaviour Interfaculty Initiative, and the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University. The Linguistics Society of America handles the registration and publishes the conference proceedings.

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